What Is A Vision Board And How To Create One

I’m sure you’ve heard about the term “Vision Board” quite a few times before bumping into this post. And probably the reason why you find yourself reading this is because you’re not really sure what all the fuss is about. I get you, I’m here to help! In this post I’ll go through what a vision board is, the purpose of having one and how to create your own board to achieve your goals.

What is a Vision Board used for

First off, let’s start from the beginning. A vision board is a tool. A tool that allows you to easily implement a technique called Visualisation. Visualisation is the act of visualising/imagining yourself accomplishing a goal in the future. 

Now, let me be a little more specific here as visualising is not as simple as saying “I see myself doing well at my job interview tomorrow and getting my dream job”. Visualising is about identifying yourself in that exact situation, creating the exact feelings and thoughts you’d have, or better you want to have, and action you want to do in order to achieve the outcome you want.

Going back to the job interview example, visualising it successfully would mean:

The day of the final interview I wake up feeling positive and not too nervous, I choose to feel excited and focus on preparing myself for the opportunity I was waiting for. When I arrive at the interview I transform pressure into energy to give my best and I make sure my body language reflects this. I sit up straight, look the interviewer in the eyes and I communicate ease through my facial expressions. During the interview I feel confident about what I’m saying. I speak fluently, making useful examples that showcase my skills and experiences. If asked a question I’m not sure about, I take a deep breath, some time to think about it and eventually politely ask to repeat the question again. At the end of the interview I am happy and satisfied about my performance, knowing I’ve done my best.

All this, would not just help you create a successful mindset in approaching your interview, but also prepare and train your mind and body to approach that moment exactly how you wanted.

Please note: If it’s the first time you are trying the visualization tecnique and it feels a bit weird and uncomfortable that’s totally normal! It’s a practice that requires a couple of trials before feeling like it’s working!

As stated at the beginning, the Vision Board aim is to make all this easier! 

A Vision Board is mainly composed of images/words related to a goal. The idea is that when your mind, consciously or unconsciously sees these images, is reminded about the goal and that reminder triggers the visualisation statement you came up with before creating the vision board. 

Let’s take the job interview visualisation statement for instance, the images you could have related to that may be pictures of your dream job or someone that has the job you’d like to have. You could even include the job title you aim to have or a couple of company logos you aspire to work for. Anything that is related to your final aim “Doing well at the interview and get my dream job” and inspires you to action, can be part of your Vision Board!

How To Create Your Own Vision Board

There are different ways to approach the vision board building process and there’s no wrong or right but just what fits best for you! Here are 5 steps to create the ultimate Vision Board to help you achieving your goals: 

1. Have clear Goals you want to envision

Whether it’s one goal or more, in order to build the perfect vision board you need to be as specific as possible on what you want to envision: goal clarity is key! If you’re stuck on how to set your goals I shared my goal-setting method on Instagram, there’s a whole highlight dedicated to this!

2. Decide what the Vision Board represents 

You can choose to create a Vision Board for each goal you have or to use one where you group your different goals per Year/Quarter/Month…Personally, I create a vision board at the beginning of every year and use that as a reference for my yearly goals. You can find my Yearly Vision Board Building Process on my Instagram Highlights. 

3. Decide what platform you want to use to build it

You can choose to create an online vision board using Pinterest for example, pinning posts, images and articles related to your goals all in the same (or separate) category board. Now that there’s the possibility to categorise your “Saved” posts you could even use Instagram!

If you’re more of a paper person and fancy a DIY afternoon, just find a poster-size paper, a cork board, a magnetic board or anything big enough for your needs to use as a base for the next step.

4. Start pinning!

If you opted for an online version Vision Board, you can start saving and pinning images, quotes, graphics or anything that reminds you of your goal(s).If you are ready for some DIY, make sure to have lots of old magazines and newspapers from which you can cut your favourite goal-related images, words and photos. And if anything really suits you, you can always print images off the internet!

5. Find a home for it

The whole point of having a Vision Board is the trigger it starts in your mind when you consciously or unconsciously look at it. This is why it’s very important you position your board in a place you know you pass by/look often throughout the day. Personally I positioned mine over my bedside table!

If you have an online vision board you could dedicate 3-5 mins to check it out every day in this case, find a home for it in your calendar so you’re sure you do it! You could choose your favourite image and set it up as your phone wallpaper so that you can trigger unconscious stimuli as well as conscious ones. 

Creating a Vision Board is one of the tasks included in my FREE Make-it-happen mindset email course. I created this 4 days course to kick-start your growth journey and discover how we can work together to be the best version YOU can be!


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